AlianHub – Project Management System Nulled

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AlianHub – Project Management System

Alian Hub is an ultimate tool comprised of CRM, CMS, project management, HR management, Time management, Sales & Resource Management, and Finance & Account Management. Buy Alian Hub and manage all your business operations anytime from anywhere

Experience the ease of having everything in one place. Boost productivity, enhance collaboration, and simplify your operations with our comprehensive platform.

Ready to revolutionize how you work? Discover the power of consolidation with our all-in-one solution.


A comprehensive project management solution to handle mundane tasks seamlessly with no effort. Complete workplace management that includes HR management, work tracking, supply, real-time chat, and cost management. Lead multiple teams to accomplish various goals. Increase team productivity and security with your own database.


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Custom Work

Alian Hub’s Features for Smooth Project Management

  • Create companies and add multiple employees.
  • User allowance with custom roles, and read and write permissions
  • Create projects, create tasks, assign members, and monitor progress, calculate costs, check timelogs, release milestones, etc.
  • Agile project management with Board view
  • Monitoring of every action done by the users like keyboard and mouse click counts
  • Pre-built project management templates for marketing, IT, etc.
  • Handle sales, invoices, and deliver projects
  • Drag-and-drop feature for changing task status
  • Prioritize workload based on project size, time, and urgency
  • In-built real-time chat and channels for broadcasting messages, sharing files, voice notes, etc.
  • Advanced Time Tracker to track the work done in the projects
  • Project, Workload, and Timesheet reports to monitor the progress of projects
  • Custom Fields to categorize and manage tasks quickly
  • Advanced search feature to find tasks quickly
  • Schedule management with Google Calendar integration

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What you get in package

  • Source Code in Vuejs and Nodejs
  • Project Documentation

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